The following file of Dalton Births, Marriages, Deaths, Landowners etc. has been updated by DGS member, Mike Dalton.  Many entries contain specific data that will be useful in identifying an ancestor.  There are about 250 surnames listed in and the data can it can be searched  by clicking a  It is the onus of the user to verify the data.

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BIRTHS      Top

Sources: IGI Online, British Vital Records Index and Mathews William Dalton
Civil Registry Extract - 1864 to 1891, FHL # 361843 (c) 1896. Updated by Mike Dalton, Oregon.

28 May 1864: Patrick Dalton at Scrabby, Granard RD to Terence Dalton and Mary Lynch.
24 June 1864: Patrick Dalton at Drumhawnagh, Granard RD to Andrew Dalton and Mary McGovern.
29 June 1864: Julia Dalton at Carragh, Granard RD* to  Hugh Dalton/ Mary Quin.
13 Aug. 1864: male Dalton at Ballieborough RD to Gustavus Tuite Dalton and Lucy Smith.

4 May 1865: Elizabeth Mary Dalton at Kilnmore, Farragh, Cavan RD to Edward Dalton and Anne Brady.
22 June 1865: Margaret Dalton at Scrabby, Granard RD to John Dalton and Anne Cumoskey.
16 Apr. 1866: Catherine Dalton at Cartronfree, Drumlumnan, Granard RD to Patrick Dalton and Mary McNerney.

17 Apr. 1866: Herbert Dalton at Ballieborough Castle, Ballieborough RD toGustavus Dalton (gentleman) and Fanny Smith.
2 Aug. 1866: William Dalton at Lisanny, Granard RD to James Dalton and Catherine Dalton.
5 Aug. 1866: John Dalton at Drumhawna, Granard RD to Terence Dalton (farmer) and Mary Lynch.
16 Aug. 1866: Thomas Dalton at Scrabby, Granard RD to John Dalton/ Biddy Smith.

13 May 1867: female Dalton at Termon, Ballieborough RD to Edward Dalton and Joanna Williams.

26 Jan. 1868: Patrick Dalton at  Kilnmore, Farragh, Cavan RD to Edward Dalton and Anne Brady.
28 Sept. 1868: Catherine Dalton at Mulrick, Scrabby, Granard RD to John Dalton (farmer) and  Bridget Smith.
5 Dec 1868: Patrick Dalton, b. at Drumhawnagh, Drumlumman, Granard RD (219, Scrabby); parents Terence Dalton farmer and Mary Lynch
5 Dec. 1868: Patrick Dalton at to Terence Dalton, farmer and Mary Lynch.

12 June 1869: Anne Dalton at Scrabby, Granard RD to Andrew Dalton and Mary McGovern.

15 Mar. 1870: Anne Dalton at Cavan Workhouse, Cavan RD to --- --- .
16 June 1870: James Dalton at Drumroe, Cavan RD to James Dalton (farmer) and Ellen McNamee.
22 Sept. 1870: Mary Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to Christopher Dalton Catherine Gilligan.
13 Dec. 1870: Mary Anne Dalton at Scrabby, Granard RD to Terence Dalton and Mary Lynch.

13 Oct. 1871: Eliza Dalton at Drumroe, Cavan RD to Thomas Dalton (farmer) and Mary McCann.

24 June 1872: Catherine Dalton at Cartronfree RD to Granard RD to Christopher Dalton and Catherine Gilligan.

3 Jan. 1874: Julia Dalton at Drumhawna, Scrabby, Granard RD to Terence Dalton and Mary Lynch.
5 May 1874: James Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Patrick Dalton and Mary Anne Kiernan.
7 Oct. 1874: Bridget Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to  Kit Dalton (farmer) and Catherine Gilligan.

11 Jan. 1875: Edward Dalton at Farragh, Cavan RD  to Edward Dalton and  Anne Brady.
3 Feb. 1875: Anne Dalton at Claddagh, Oldcastle RD to John Dalton and Catherine Dowd.

5 Nov. 1876: Bridget Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to Patrick Dalton  and Mary Reilly.

1 Jan. 1877: Ellen Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to Christopher Dalton and Catherine Gilligan.
14 May 1877:  James Dalton at Claddagh, Oldcastle RD to John Dalton and Catherine Dowd.
5 Oct. 1877: Andrew Dalton at Drumhawnagh, Granard RD to Andrew Dalton (farmer) and  Mary McGovern.
6 Oct. 1877: Patrick Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget Reilly.

3 Aug. 1878: Margaret Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton (farmer) and Ellen  Kiernan.

15 Mar. 1879: Maria Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget Reilly.
28 Nov. 1879: Ellen Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton/ Ellen Kiernan.
30 Nov. 1879: John Dalton at Claddagh, Oldcastle RD to John Dalton and Catherine Dowd.
22 Sep 1879: Mary Dalton, b. at Finea; Christopher Dalton and Catherine Gilligan

20 May 1880: James Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to Patrick Dalton and Mary Reilly.
9 Aug. 1880: Michael Dalton at Cartronfree, Drumlumnan, Granard RD to Christopher Dalton, farmer and Catherine Gilligan.
14 Nov. 1880: Bernard Dalton at Mullaghland, Kells RD to James Dalton and Bridget Reilly.
20 Dec. 1880: Maria Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and Ellen Kiernan.

25 Dec 1881: Anne Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD to Kit Dalton and Catherine Gilligan.

16 Mar. 1882: Catherine Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and Ellen Kiernan.
24 Aug. 1882: Peter Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget Reilly.

26 Jan. 1883: Ellen Dalton at Carnagh Upper, Granard RD to Edward Dalton (shoemaker) and Anne Reilly.
5 Apr. 1883: Catherine Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget Reilly.
23 June 1883: Daniel Dalton at Drumhawanagh, Granard RD to __ and Margaret __.
24 Sept. 1883: John Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and Ellen Kiernan.

27 Mar. 1884: Catherine Dalton at Carnagh, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and Anne Reilly.
19 Nov. 1884: John Dalton at Drumhawnagh, Granard RD to John Dalton (farmer) Mary Sweeney.
22 Dec. 1884: Bridget Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget.
26 Dec. 1884: Patrick Dalton at Claddagh, Oldcastle RD to John Dalton and Kate Dowd.

6 Sept. 1886: John Dalton at at Carnagh, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and Ellen Kiernan.
4 Oct. 1886: Rose Anne Dalton at Mullaghland, Kells RD to James Dalton and Bridget Reilly.

24 June 1887: Mary Dalton at Crenard, Cavan RD to Thomas Dalton (railway porter) and Kate Gaffney.
15 Aug. 1887: Bridget Dalton at Drumhawnagh, Granard RD to John Dalton and Mary Sweeney.
11 Sept. 1887: Thomas Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD to Edward Dalton and  Ellen Kiernan.

8 Apr. 1888: James Dalton at Mullaghland, Kells RD to James Dalton and Bridget Reilly.
28 July 1888: Fanny Dalton at Cloncovet, Granard RD to Edward Dalton (shoemaker) and Anne Reilly.

12 Sept. 1889: Elizabeth Dalton at Mullaghland, Kells RD to James Dalton (farmer)and  Bridget Reilly.

3 Mar. 1890: Anne Dalton of Drumhawanagh, Granard RD to  John Dalton and Mary Sweeney.

1 Apr. 1891: Joseph Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh Kells RD to James Dalton, farmer and Bridget Reilly.

       *RD = Registration District. There are overlaps into adjacent counties:

Longford: Granard; Meath: Kells, Oldcastle.


Sources: IGI Online, and Mathews William Dalton
Civil Registry Extract, 1896  - FHL microfilm # 361843.

--Mar. 1843: Catherine Daulton to James Smith at Enniskeen, Ballieborough,  Poor Law Union.

24 Feb. 1846: Harry Dalton to Margaret Daly at Crosserlough, Cavan Poor Law Union.

18 Feb, 1865: Patrick Dalton age  53 (widower) of Patrick Dalton; of Ballinulty,Longford to Mary Reilly age 30 of Lawrence Reilly of Cartronfree, Cavan at Granard RD, Cavan.
11 Oct. 1865: Peter Dalton of Patrick Dalton of Rosehill to Catherine Doyle of Philip Doyle at Kells, RD.

26 Jan. 1866: James Dalton of Charles Dalton of Drumnahara, Longford to Anne Kiernan age 30 of James Kiernan of Cartronfree, Cavan at Granard RD, Cavan.

10 Feb. 1868: Bridget Dalton age 17 of Patrick Dalton, farmer to Patrick Connor of Henry Connor at Mulrick, Granard RD.

4 Apr. 1869: Ellen Dalton age 25 of Cartronfree of Michael Dalton (farmer)  to Francis Fagan of Cloonagh, Longford of Patrick Fagan at Granard RD.

3 May 1872: Mary Dalton age 19 of Henry Dalton to Philip McGahern of Philip McGahern at Kilcally, Oldcastle RD.
4 May 1872: Catherine Dalton (widow) of John Dalton (farmer) of Larkfield, Longford to Eugene Reilly (widower) of James Reilly of Clonkeen at Granard RD, Cavan.

4 July 1875: Elizabeth Dalton, age 21 to John McCabe at Castlerahan, Oldcastle RD.

28 Jan. 1876: Patrick Dalton age 27 of Carrigaree of Henry Dalton to Mary Baxter age 16 of Cloggagh of Barney Baxter at Oldcastle RD.
29 Feb. 1876: Edward Dalton of Patrick Dalton farmer to Ellen Kiernan of John Kiernan at Mulrick, Granard RD.
31 Jan. 1878 Lucy Tuite Dalton,* lady of Eureka House, Bailieborough Town, Kells RD of Gustavus Dalton, Justin of the Peace to Austin McKenzie, esquire of Fawley Court, Henly, Buckinghamshire, England of Edward McKenzie, esquire at Kells RD.* Lucy’s mother, Lucy Tuite Dalton, died 3 Nov. 1867; Lucy’s father, Gustavus Tuite Dalton died 21 Jan. 1879. Austin and Lucy McKenzie are in the 1881 Census of England.

28 Nov. 1878: Margaret Dalton, age 23 of Mullagh of Patrick Dalton, farmer to Mathew Reilly, age 26 of Rosehill of Frank Reilly at Mullagh Parish, Kells RD.

25 Feb. 1879: Edward Dalton, age 21 of John Dalton farmer to Ann Reilly of  Bernard Reilly at Drumhawna, Granard RD.

24 Jan. 1882: Mary Dalton (widow) of John Dalton farmer  to Bernard DeManer (widower) of Dan DeManer at Drumhawna, Granard RD.

24 Nov. 1883: Ann Dalton, age 22 of Rosehill of Patrick Dalton, farmer to Patrick Brien, age 27, farmer of Mullagh of Owen Brien at Mullagh Parish, Kells RD.

7 Jan. 1884: John Dalton of John Dalton of Drumhawna to Mary Sweeney of Dan Sweeney of Kilsaran at Granard RD.

14 May 1885: Bridget Dalton of Co. Leitrim of James Dalton farmer to  Michael Kiernan of James Kiernan of Aghnagarron, Cavan at Granard RD.

3 Mar. 1889: Catherine Dalton of James Dalton (farmer) to John Farrell of Michael Farrell at Lisanny, Granard RD.

16 Feb. 1890: Mathew Dalton of Rosehill of Patrick Dalton farmer to Rose McKenna of James McKenna of Mullagh at Kells, RD.

DEATHS      Top

Source: IGI Online and Mathews William Dalton Civil Registry Extract, 1896 - LDS microfilm # 361843.

15 Jan. 1864: Edward Dalton at Drumshinny, Cavan RD; age 24.
12 Feb. 1864:  Jane Dalton at Cavan Workhouse, Cavan RD; age 60 - widow.
30 Nov. 1864: Mary Dalton at Lacken, Cavan RD; age 64 - married.

3 Nov. 1867: Lucy Tuite Dalton at  The Castle, Ballieborough RD; age 44 -  married, gentlewoman.

26 July 1868: Maria Dalton at Mullagh, Kells RD; age 12 - farmer's daughter.

6 Jan. 1869: Anne Dalton at Lurgan, Lurgan, Oldcastle RD; age 75, unmarried, mendicant.

7 Mar. 1870: Anne Dalton at Cavan Workhouse, Cavan RD; age 0 - servant's child.

11 Dec. 1871: Patrick Dalton at Kilby, Kells RD; age 73 - married.

5 Mar. 1877: James Dalton at Broomfield, Oldcastle RD; age 70 - married.
21 Mar. 1877: Elizabeth Dalton at Kilnmore, Farragh, Granard RD; age 11.Born 4 May 1865 to Edward Dalton and Anne Brady.

9 Feb. 1878: Andrew Dalton at Drumhawna, Granard RD; age 47.

21 Jan. 1879: Gustavus Tuite Dalton at Eureka House, Bailieborough Town, Kells RD; age 68, widower, gentleman.

24 May 1880: John Dalton at Drumhawna, Granard RD; age 70 - married, farmer.
26 Aug. 1880: Terence Dalton of Drumhawna, Granard RD; age 65 - married, farmer.
27 Dec. 1880: Michael Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD; age 4 months.

10 Feb. 1881: Mary Dalton at Rosehill, Mullagh, Kells RD; age 65, farmer’s widow.
17 Feb. 1881: Michael Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD; age 80 - married, farmer.

1 Sept. 1882: Peter Dalton at Mullagh Townland, Mullagh, Kells RD; b. 24 Aug. 1882.
31 Dec. 1882: Henry Dalton at Killcullis, Oldcastle RD; age 4 days.

30 June 1883: Catherine Dalton at Drumhawna, Granard RD; age 50 - married.
10 Nov. 1883: Anne Dalton at Cartronfree, Granard RD; age 2. Born 25 Dec. 1881 to Kit  (Christopher) Dalton and Catherine Gilligan.

2 Apr. 1886: Bridget Dalton at Mulrick, Granard RD; age 77 - farmer's widow.

4 Nov. 1890: Elizabeth Dalton at Mullaghland, Kells RD; age 1 year. Born 12 Sept. 1889 to James Dalton and Bridget Reilly.

2 June 1891: John Dalton at Drumhawnagh, Drumlumman, Granard RD; age 84, unmarried, laborer.

LANDOWNERS in County Cavan - 1876

G. Tuite Dalton, Eureka, Kells, Cavan, 29 acres value 44 pounds.

G. T. Dalton of Kells, Cavan, landowner of 412 acres in County Meath.

Bio notes: Augustavus Tuite Dalton: clerk of the peace and registrar of voters in County Cavan - 1847-47; resigned as Major of Cavan Regiment of Militia on 6 June 1857. He is buried with his brother Edward Tuite Dalton at Bailieborough, County Meath.   (See County Meath database for more details)


P= Parish T= Townland

Tuite Dalton, P. Ballymachugh, T. Aghacreevy, 3 acres.

Tuite Dalton, P. Ballymachugh, T. Kilnahard, house (val. @ 18 pds.) and 38 acres

Tuite Dalton, P. Ballymachugh , T. Bellsgrove, 5 acres.

Christopher Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Cartonfree, 6 acres.

Michael Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Cartonfree, house and 5 acres.


James Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Cartonfree, house and 7 acres.

Edward Tuite Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Drumhawnagh, house and 93 acres.

Laurence Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Drumhawragh, house.

James Dalton, P. Drumlumman, T. Drumhawragh, house.

Laurence Dalton and James Dalton also coleasing 21 acres in the same townland.


Patrick Dalton, P. Mullagh, T. Rosehill, house and 28 acres.

Patrick Dalton, P. Scrabby, T. Mulrick, house and 10 acres.

John Dalton, P. Scrabby, T. Mulrick, house and 9 acres.


Charles Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Drumhawnagh Townland, 1 acre.

Christopher Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Cartonfree Townland, 7 acres.

John Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Cartonfree Townland, 5 acres.   

John Daulton, Scrabby Parish, 1834, Moulrick Townland, 3 acres.

Dalton, Mullagh Parish, 1833.



Charles Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Drumhawnagh Townland, 1 acre.

Christopher Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Cartonfree Townland, 7 acres.

John Dalton, Drumlumman Parish, 1824, Cartonfree Townland, 5 acres.   

John Daulton, Scrabby Parish, 1834, Moulrick Townland, 3 acres.

Dalton, Mullagh Parish, 1833.


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